Some objects have such enduring beauty and energy that they evoke a visceral reaction. Rolls-Royce's "Spirit of Ecstasy" hood ornament — or mascot, as the British call them — is one such emblem. First sculpted by Charles Sykes in the early 20th century, it was designed to dazzle. The oversized modern reproduction brought to the 2014 Chicago ANTIQUES ROADSHOW event clearly did just that.
The owner of the piece had recently purchased it, along with another ornament originally designed by René Lalique, for $6,500 at a New York boutique while on a business trip. She said she was under the impression, based on what the dealer told her, that the large sculpture was a period prototype of "The Spirit of Ecstasy" that Sykes sculpted for Rolls-Royce. But decorative-arts appraiser Nick Dawes had to deliver the news that from details in the pieces' casting and bases, both appeared to him to be modern reproductions. He estimated the two objects' more realistic decorative value to be in the neighborhood of $2,000 retail — nothing to sneeze at, but much less than the guest had paid.