Monday, July 27, 2015

Sunday, July 19, 2015

And away they go...

The horse racing season starts at Del Mar in mid July.  The first Saturday of the season the race track
has an 'open house'.  Everyone can come to the track to watch the horses exercise and eat donuts and 
drink coffee or juice.  Usually there are officials there to talk about the races at Del Mar and  answer questions.  One of the highlights is getting to see the announcer Trevor Denman.

The sky does not look nearly as dark as it felt.  In the north the clouds and sky were blue.  To the south the sky was filled with dark ominous clouds rising from the ocean to the "top" of the sky.

At La Jolla Shores, fishermen get into kayaks or small boats and paddle out away from the shore
to fish.  Sometimes they return with very large fish.   At the beach in Del Mar the fishermen
stand in the shallow water and cast their lines into the ocean.  And sometimes they catch medium to small size fish.  

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Lobster or Crab

Of course, today we forgot the camera.  We got to the beach and there were dozens of these tiny lobsters washed ashore.  I drove the Professor crazy by stopping every time I saw one that was beached and scooped up the sand under it and carried the lobster back into the surf.

I have not figured this out.  Apparently squat lobsters and the red tuna crab are the same species.  Don't have a clue if they are the same and the names get mixed up or not. 

Anyway it was interesting to see these tiny sea creatures stranded on the beach.  I don't know what happened to the ones I threw back into the ocean..  They might have ended back on the beach or as lunch for a sea gull.  But they are certainly interesting and new to the Professor and me. 

Sunday, July 12, 2015

A Visit from Kristi and her Family

Playing in the pool

Thanks to Lisa and her girls there are lots of inflatable animals
to add to the fun.

Alex's birthday

At the beach