Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Tube stations only a block apart?

Unfortunately it took me longer than it should have to realize why these two subway/tube stations are only one block apart. 

Bayswater which is the station closest to Palace Court is on the Circle and District Lines.

Queensway is on the the Central Line  And they do not cross.  We joke about the Central line because it feels as if you are descending into the Center of the Earth when you take it. It is an extraordinarily long way down on an escalator.  Queensway has no escalators. Fortunately it has a huge elevator.

Image result for london queensway subway station

If you wish to change lines you must do so at Notting Hill Gate, as you can see.

Notting Hill Gate Tube Sign (catya_maria007) Tags: cameraphone uk greatbritain england signs london sign underground subway geotagged nokia europa europe britishisles metro unitedkingdom britain tube cellphone 2006 6230i mobilephone april nottinghill w11 britannia stations lontoo isobritannia tubestations nokia6230i kensingtonandchelsea tubesigns eurooppa nottinghillgatestation geo:lat=515092 englanti nottinghillgatetube 06042006 w113ht geo:lon=01961965 britteinsaaret

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