Wednesday, May 27, 2015

A 41 Gun Salute

Royal Gun Salutes mark special royal occasions. On these days salutes are fired from locations in London and other authorised stations in the United Kingdom and the Union flag is hoisted on government buildings.
In London, salutes are fired in Hyde Park by the King's Troop Royal Horse Artillery and at The Tower of London however, on State Visits, at the State Opening of Parliament and for The Queen's Birthday Parade, The Green Park is used instead of Hyde Park.
The number of rounds fired in a Royal Gun Salute depends on the place and occasion. The basic salute is 21 rounds. In Hyde Park and Green Park an extra 20 rounds are added because they are a Royal Park.
Gun salutes are usually fired at midday (unless otherwise stated below). Salutes are not fired on Sundays, so if the date falls on a Sunday, the salute will take place the next day.
We missed seeing the Queen in her carriage, but it was very fun to be there for 41 shots from cannons.  Today was the opening of parliament after the election and the queen reads a speech prepared by the Prime Minister.  

On the return trip to their barracks, everyone stopped while
the six really lucky army guys in fatigues got to wipe down the
wheels and any other parts that might have been soiled on the 

After the wheels were cleaned, the horsemen drew their lances and 
I assume continued their journey back to the stable.
I have have all of the terms wrong but hopefully you will
get the picture.

 "In Hartford, Hereford, and Hampshire hurricanes hardly 
ever happen." 
I am sure Prof Higgens would say the same 
about the Hampstead area of London
We went on what turned out to be a fairly long trip to walk
on Hampstead Heath the other day.

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