Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Elaine's photographs

St Martins in the Fields

Sculpture in the portico of  St Martins in the Fields
"In the beginning was the word and the word became flesh and lived among us".
John 1:1

Michael "Mike" Chapman,
commissioned to create a sculpture for the
1999 Christ Child or The Beginning

 Canada House on Trafalgar Square

Covent Garden

Diana the huntress

Electric car

Elfin Oak in Kensington Gardens

Horses exercising in Hyde Park

In 2003 England erected this monument expressing gratitude for 
the service of Australian military during WW I and WW II
This year is the 100th anniversary of the battle at Gallipoli when 
Australia lost 26 111, comprising of 1007 officers and 25 104 other ranks

Oscar Wilde 

Black swan in St James Park

The street where we live

a new addition to the square -unveiled on March 5, 2015

There were several of these strange creatures hanging around the 
square.  A few of them like this one seemed to be floating
in the air. 

Windows on the stairwell leading up to our apartment

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