Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Odds and Ends

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Today we went to church on Exposition road.  We decided to walk and it took us about 45 minutes but we might be faster when we get the hang of where we are going.  We cut across Hyde Park on a diagonal.  

Coming back we passed Kensington Palace and the media were there in full force. I assume they were hoping to get a look at the new princess, Charlotte Elizabeth Diana.  

The chapel was really crowded for Sacrament Meeting.  Bishop Beesley, who is an American, told us that 80 percent of the people there were visitors.  And a lot of us seemed to be Americans too.  

When I got out of RS Dad was waiting for me talking to a man who turned out to be a consul at the embassy who handles American citizens problems such as lost passports.  Since his last posting was Juarez, he said he was really enjoying not only the change of responsibility but the weather.  He told us that Londoners didn't need to apologize to him for the rainy weather.  

He told Dad that the consul general is a member of the ward too. 

My new rain coat is great, however, it was so windy that I could not keep my rain hat on walking back from church.  I need the little kids' version with a strap under the chin.  It actually flew off my head and landed at a stranger's feet.  He had no trouble picking it up for me.  And this turned out to be only one of several kind people who retrieved my hat before I decided to put it in my pocket.

Tonight we go to dinner with the students and other faculty.  We don't know if we need to wear Church clothes or not.  Let you know how it goes.  

Ps  Phew.  Thank goodness no one seems to think you have to wear your Sunday clothes all day long.  

May 5, 2015

The forecast for tomorrow is rain and wind.  And if the wind is like today, it may not be pleasant.  The wind was so hard that it blew our hats off and blew debris into our eyes.  Long time since "I" have been in that kind of wind.  Tomorrow it should be a day just like one that Kristi and I spent in WA DC.  I finally just threw my umbrella into the garbage can on the street.  It had been blown inside out so many times in our short trek from Foggy Bottom to the Barlow Center.  

Today I was standing by a fountain while the Professor took a picture of me.  Suddenly the wind blew my hat off my head.  I acted as quickly as I could, but I turned in time to see it fly into the fountain.

I thought, this is it.  I am never going to reach my hat.  I was surprised when it landed in the fountain close to the side and I was able to rescue it.

The only problem was that the edge of the fountain was filled with creepy green, mossy water.  Ugh.  Needless to say when it dried, it went into my pocket and not on my head.  Fortunately after it had been washed off and dried later in the day, it lost that swamp smell. 

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