Monday, May 18, 2015

Lazy Monday

This has been a lazy day for me.  It rained almost all morning and I dozed off and on.

This afternoon when the rain stopped Earl and I walked down Notting Hill Gate to a park we have never visited before.  It is Holland Park.  What an amazing find.  It looks as if it is just the neighborhood retreat.  There is a small Japanese garden.  The opera company must perform there some times.  And there were so many squirrels and peacocks.

Little squirrels ran along the fence tops to beg from me but I did not bring anything to share.


One of the peacocks had his tail spread, so I hope we got some good photographs.


Lots of koi in the Japanese garden/s pond.

This amazing little house is home to a ceramic exhibition and store.  Some very lovely pieces.

Holland House, 1896 by H. N. King, cropped and straightened.jpg

Holland House 1896

Holland House before it was damaged during WW II.  It was fire bombed during the war and never reconstructed.

‘..At the beginning of the 20th century, Holland House had the largest private grounds of any house in London, including Buckingham Palace. The Royal Horticultural Society regularly held flower shows there…’. (It was one of the first gardens to successfully grow dahlias.) The House was bombed on 27 September 1940 and mainly destroyed.
Holland House Library, 1940
Holland House 1940
Holland House today, the remains of Holland House form a backdrop for the open air Holland Park Theatre, home of Opera Holland Park. The YHA (England and Wales) "London Holland Park"youth hostel was located in the house but has now closed. The Orangery is now an exhibition and function space, with the adjoining former Summer Ballroom now a restaurant,The Belvedere. The former ice house is now a gallery space. The grounds provide sporting facilities, including a cricket pitch, football pitch, and six tennis courts.

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