Friday, May 15, 2015

Saturday in London

Blue heron in St James Park

Very angry adult birds because of the threat
of the dog on shore.  One of the geese had 7

Goslings protected by angry geese

Swan hissing at the small dog who was seen as a 
threat to the goslings

Tavern/pub called the Bag of Nails
The plaque says that the original name was 

Blackfriars district of London 

A chilly day for a wedding shoot
by the Houses of Parliament

Buckingham Palace 

People trying to get an uncrowded view of the 
Mall for the Changing of the Guard

Outside of Victoria Station

Monument to the SOE during WWII
This monument is in honour of all the courageous S.O.E. Agents: those who did survive and those who did not survive their perilous missions.

This is not an unusual old building remaining
among the new.  This one is the Cafe Rouge.

Westminster Cathedral
(not the Abbey)

 Westminster Abbey

The Ferris wheel can be seen from so many
locations in London.  

honoring Cecil Rhodes

Household Cavalry
in Hyde Park

Ibis close to Diana Memorial Fountain

all over London.  They are great picture opportunities
but are there to sponsor a 
children's charity.
This one is in St James park.

A photo of sculptures of sheep in an outdoor setting

Children picnicking at St Paul's Cathedral

Lunch break for many at St Paul's

21st century nannies

27 Palace Court

Serpentine River

Apparently there is no law in London about which side of
the road you can park.  

Houses of Parliament with the Tower Clock
housing Big Ben

Old building surviving the change in the

Monument to the RAF for defending
Britain in WW II
'Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few'.

Photograph on Flickr taken by Michael Summers

Inside Victoria Station

This impressive wall with barbed wire along the top is
the wall around the palace private gardens.

We have seen this engraved message on several buildings as
we have walked around London.

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