Tuesday, April 3, 2018

St Francis d'Assisi/Stopped into a church I passed along the way

Number 17 rue de Mauzaia (Mosiah?)
Close to Place des Fetes metro and a Lidl grocery store

St Francis d'Assisi church on Mauzaia

Looking down rue de Mauzaia towards church tower. 

A door for my collection

I wish I knew when this church was built.  It has interesting benches/pews and very few
places to kneel.  Kneeling in church has been a tradition in the Catholic Church.

Regular benches

One third of the benches had cushions for kneeling.

While I was at the church, there was a man and a woman moving some tables from one room to another.  I am so grateful that they did not object to my photographs or to my sitting quietly for awhile. 

Interesting stone and brickwork across the street. 

We had the second floor flat.  Or in the French world the first floor.  One morning we came outside and the woman living below us had her window open and spoke to us.  She told us the children were nice and I apologized for them being noisy.  She was an attractive older woman with a halo of white hair. 

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